Caillou english mar12


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Caillou english

Caillou – is an animated children’s series based on the books of the author Christine L’Heureux and illustrator Hélène Desputeaux. The term Caillou comes from French and means something like „stone” or „pebble”; but it can also mean „bald head”, which was probably the intention of the authors. The series is characterized by the fact that it is fairly simple to understand and reflects everyday challenges. The dialogues are easy to understand and Caillou (and the viewer) are explained many things in an understandable form. Caillou’s parents are portrayed as ideal and know a very good solution both in dealing with the children and in answering questions. In addition to the exemplary adult role, the narrator names Caillou’s feelings (joy, fear, sadness, anger, etc.) with the right words, which are often not yet available to children of this age.