TOM & JERRY mar21


TOM & JERRY – American animated series created by William Hann and Joseph Barber about the conflict of a cat named Tom and a mouse named Jerry. Most episodes show Jerry’s attempts to capture...

Caillou english mar12

Caillou english

Caillou – is an animated children’s series based on the books of the author Christine L’Heureux and illustrator Hélène Desputeaux. The term Caillou comes from French and means something like „stone” or „pebble”; but it can also mean „bald head”, which was probably the intention of the authors. The series is characterized by the fact that it is fairly simple to understand and reflects everyday challenges. The dialogues are easy to understand and Caillou (and the viewer) are explained many things in an understandable form. Caillou’s parents are portrayed as ideal and know a very good solution both in dealing with the children and in answering questions. In addition to the exemplary adult role, the narrator names Caillou’s feelings (joy, fear, sadness, anger, etc.) with the right words, which are often not yet available to children of this age. Please enable...

Booba cartoon sty17

Booba cartoon

Booba. This great series can be mostly dedicated to the smallest ones – toddlers and children but it even suits the oldest. Surely, they will have fun while watching it. Thanks to Booba’s positive attitude towards the exploration of the world and never – ending curiosity, he can be put as an example for everybody. Booba never complains or gets angry. He is full of optimism and strong positive emotions that are presented by ridiculous sounds. Booba looks like a dwarf or a creature. His big blue eyes always shine with excitement and giant ears listen carefully to find something interesting in his surrounding. Enjoy time with him! Please enable...

On Nom Stories sty17

On Nom Stories

On Nom Stories. Who remembers a very popular game Cut the Rope? Players won’t have problems to answer this question. A green creature with big eyes and teeth is its main character. Because of its fame, the character is brought to life and exists out of the game. Om Nom loves eating candies and does anything just to get at least one bite of tasty sweets. Whole plot is based on the fact that he is constantly looking for candies. This, of course, leads the protagonist to face different problems and challenges. We can meet his kooky ancestors along the way. Both children and parents will love this humorous...

BabyBus english sty12

BabyBus english

BabyBus. According to methodologists, learning a foreign language is best when we combine music, words and pictures. Therefore, Babybus takes viewers for a journey full of colourful images and pleasant sounds. It is especially suitable for pre-school kids. During the trip, they can get to know basic things like numbers, letters, alphabet or colours. But that’s not all, Babybus helps children to acquire and develop life skills such as having courage to explore the world or meet new people, eat a good diet or exercise body. Among others – Baby Kitten and Super Panda will show you...

Looney Tunes sty18

Looney Tunes

Looney Tunes. Welcome to the crazy world of Looney Tunes. In these short films you can find many different characters with their freaky adventures. Probably, the most famous Bugs Bunny, asking all around him „What’s up Doc?”, poor Duffy Duck who is always chased by somebody, stuttering Porky Pig, charming Tweety Bird or Tasmanian Devil who destroys everything on his way. For those who look for more fun, there is Speedy Gonzales – the mouse who can move from one place to another in a blink of an eye, Pepe Le Pew – romantic skunk looking for a love of his life or the real beauty star Lola Bunny. This group will guarantee lots of humour! Please enable...

Mr Bean animated sty12

Mr Bean animated

Mr Bean. Brown tweed jacket and thin red tie. Does it sound familiar to you? It must only be Mr Bean. The iconic character of the British comedy. Firstly, the story appeared on TV and later it was turned into animated series. Mr Bean is a very special type of person who problematically approaches relatively simple everyday life situations. Is going swimming or using TV a difficult task? It seems that the answer is „yes”. Mr Bean has got an unusual talent to complicate the easiest things and make them unsolvable. His reactions are often extremely funny which provides entertainment not only for children but for adults as well! Please enable...

Cartoon Classic gru11

Cartoon Classic

Cartoon Classic – the channel presents the best American classic cartoons. Old friends constantly entertain and laugh at different generations. Fun for big and small children. Please enable...